Friday, December 14, 2012

Re-Create Your Life

During times like this, troubling times yes but also good times, there's a desire to help make the world a better place - and many people are working and striving for that.

There is also a system that I have used very effectively to improve the quality of my life and I would like to, very much, share that system with you. Someday there may be a book out by my publisher that will go into more elaborate measures with this system but what I want to provide here will be the basics - the total foundation you need to re-create your life.

It will take a while but as you begin doing it, even in the beginning stages, I believe you will feel better. I know I did. 

It starts off with the Heart Love, also called Heart Warmth*, and I have written about that and videos are out from Grandfather such as this one. There are links here of course. But there is more.

There is also a process you can use that builds on that called Disentanglement**. It is a wondrous process and it's very specific to you. Only you need know what you are doing with Disentanglement. Therefore you can pursue the matter. It will take time but it will relieve you of a great deal of tension and old stuff. 

It is not something that you have to slog through on your own. Gold Light Beings and Light Beings, also known as Angels, will help you through this process and they'll do most of the hard work but you will have to think and you will have to check yourself to see how you feel. That will become clearer as you read more about the process.

There is one last thing that I recommend you can do at this time beyond Disentanglement and that is Deep Disentanglement. I recommend that if you wish to do Deep Disentanglement then do this part first and then if you would like to, you can try this part. Deep Disentanglement allows you refresh and renew portions of your own body through a process very similar to Disentanglement and again the Gold Light Beings and Light Beings will do most of the work. You just have to focus and be clear about where the pain is, where the discomfort is and where the tension is in your own body and you can do this in your quiet moments.

I'm putting this out today because I feel it is a process worth sharing and I believe it will be of benefit to you as it has to me. 

Goodlife to you all.

*Heart Warmth

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Advice To My Friend On How I Know

Recently a friend that I've made through blogging put out a request on his blog for advice about a difficult time in the world. I can tell that he is attempting to acquire a certain amount of knowledge and wisdom not only for his own benefit but that he will share it with others as he sees fit. Since the question he asked was involved with how to know, this was the answer I provided to him and I thought I'd just share it with you as well.

My friend you have asked a most important question indeed. How to know the difference between opinions and advice offered by friends who may mean it with the best of intentions, that is of value and can be applied to your life and that which is not for you. It doesn't mean it's not of value but it is not meant to be applied to your life. It is simply meant to be let go and allowed to pass into the energy of the world of thought.

This is what I recommend. I'd recommend that you try something that has worked so well for me. It is a process, yes, it may not be immediately accessible but it works for me every day in all kinds of decisions. It is a physical feeling. I hope you find it to be of some value.

This is what I recommend. I recommend that you sit down in a comfortable chair in a quiet spot at a quiet time of the day - turn off the ringer on the phone so you won't be disturbed - and just ask for some quiet time from friends and family. Then put your hands on your heart area - just let them sit there and you'll notice probably, given your nature a feeling of warmth that is noticeable in your heart. Keep your hands there and let the feeling be present.

It might come up - that feeling of warmth might come up you see, in some other part of your body - perhaps your stomach or your solar plexus - maybe someplace else. When you notice that feeling of warmth see if you can just go into it - don't think about it - just go into that physical feeling of warmth and see if you can feel it more. 

I recommend then that every day or every other day you try to have that experience of physical warmth in your body - there's a reason.

Practice it for a week or two so that you can get to the point where you can just sit down or lay down quietly someplace and focus on feeling that physical warmth in your body even if it comes up in different places at different times - that's alright. It may come up here one day, there another day, that's fine. Maybe you won't have to put your hands on your body, maybe you will - either way is fine.

When you get good at this, you will then be able to use this as a physical means of: Yes, this is for me or there's another response in your body that is: No, this is not for me. It doesn't cast judgement however. It is simply - for you or not for you. I find this is a particularly appealing aspect of this work.

Then, what to do is this. I recommend that when advice comes to you no matter how logical and reasonable it is if you get an uncomfortable feeling about it then later on when you're on your own simply say out loud to yourself, "My friend gave me this advice today" and give a brief synopsis or just a couple of words about what he or she said. Notice how you feel in your physical body.

Do you feel warmth or do you feel a tightness or discomfort. If there is a tightness or discomfort just let it go right away. This means the advice no matter how well meant is not for you at least not in that form or not in that day. 

If you feel the warmth it means that this is for you or there is some aspect of it that may be advantageous for you to consider. If there is no feeling at all in your body, then rephrase the question and ask it another day. That's what I recommend.

It works well for me. I utilize it in all aspects of my life - not instead of thought but as well as thought. I find that my physical body has the capacity to offer this great form of intuitive wisdom to me and I hope it serves you well my friend.


Posted by Robert Shapiro at A Mystical Man's World

Then there is also this posted on Mystical Man Links:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Simplified Version of Heart - Warmth

Here's a new simplified version of the Heart - Warmth which is designed to help you to feel better when exposed to intensities of the day as your heart feeling physically warm will tend to shove out stuff that may have become attached to you including ideas and energies that are not supporting you or have to do with feelings and energies of others.

Also it is the foundation for instinctual work that I have discussed extensively on my two other main blogs Benevolent Magic and A Mystical Man's World and also perhaps on Explorer Race blog.

Heart - Warmth:

I recommend that you sit down in a comfortable chair in a quiet spot at a quiet time of the day. Turn off the ringer on the phone so you won't be disturbed and just ask for some quiet time from friends and family. Then put your hands on your heart area - just let them sit there and you may notice a feeling of warmth that is noticeable in or around your heart. Keep your hands there and let the feeling be present.

It might come up in some other part of your body - perhaps your stomach or your solar plexus - maybe someplace else. When you notice that feeling of warmth see if you can just go into it - don't think about it - just go into that physical feeling of warmth and see if you can feel it more. I recommend then that every day or every other day you try to have that experience of physical warmth in your body using the method I have described here.

If you do not notice the feeling of warmth keep trying for about 10 to 15 minutes and then relax. Wait a few days and try again.


Basic Process

Lie on a flat surface on your back, hands by your side, palms down and slightly away from your body—preferably three hours after eating and before you go to sleep, but it works anywhere, anytime. Do not cross your legs or feet. This position allows you to become open and receptive.

Say out loud or whisper if necessary, "I am asking that Gold Light Beings and Light Beings who are compatible with the gold light or compatible with Gold Light Beings come now and disentangle me from all my discomforts and their causes."

Close your eyes and try not to think. If you notice that you are thinking just stop. Don't give yourself a hard time about it. Just stop and try to keep your mind blank. You can do this for about 20 minutes or as long as you feel to do it or until you fall asleep. The process will continue through your light stages of sleep in the most benevolent way for you since when you are falling asleep your Guide is always present to receive you on your souls journey's at the deeper level of sleep.

For the next few weeks make a list of every person, circumstance or event in your life that makes you feel uncomfortable even in recollecting them or if their names come up in conversation by you or by others.

This is how to add it to the Disentanglement process. First make your initial statement as written above, "I am asking that Gold Light Beings and Light Beings who are compatible with the gold light or compatible with Gold Light Beings come now and disentangle me from all my discomforts and their causes."

Pause for about a minute or so. Then add 1 or 2, no more then that, items from your list that you have been making and say, "I am specifically asking that you disentangle me from..." (then add in one of those things). 

In the case of an event say as few words as possible never justifying, arguing or adding anything other than the fewest words possible to describe that event. In the case of a person, just their name if you remember it. You may not and in that case a description of them in the simplest possible terms will be sufficient) "...and also from..." (and add in the other). 

You don't have to say 2 things, you can just pick one if you like and as stated above do this for about 20 minutes or for as long as you feel to do it or until you fall asleep. Do each name or event or circumstance for 3 to 5 days or until you feel comfortable when those names, places or events are brought up in conversation or in memory.

This process is intended to disconnect you from the conditioning and old tapes, as people say, from the past so that your life can feel more comfortable and with greater ease. Please also read the points listed directly below for further understanding of how this process works.

Speaks of Many Truths adds:

"You may notice that if you say those specific words or names during the course of your day, after you've done Disentanglement on them three or five times, you no longer feel as physically uncomfortable about them as you once did.

"This means the Disentanglement is working. The objective is to feel physically calm. Keep saying those specific words or names in your Disentanglement process until you feel physically calm when you or someone else happens to mention those words, names or events that once caused you to feel uneasy or uncomfortable. When you do, move on to other words or names on your list, never asking for more than one or two at a time."

Disentanglement - Disentangling Cords of Discomfort
The Spirit of Transformation through Robert Shapiro

I am the Spirit of Transformation. It is my intention to help you understand the meaning of disentanglement as compared to its impact upon you. It is not my job to analyze it, but rather to help you to appreciate how it works.

Disentanglement is intended to extricate you from the uncomfortable ties that bind you to portions of your demonstrated personality, which for the most part have very little to do with who you actually are and who you will show yourself to be once Disentanglement is well under way. You might say that it performs a clarifying function, but clarity in your time is often associated with the mind. However, Disentanglement is more associated with the physical body, the feeling self, the spirit self, the inspirational self and the instinctual self.

I am coming through to speak tonight in order to provide to the reader (and at some point the listener) the necessary understanding of the value of disentanglement, because the value allows you to gently, without trauma, release the portions of yourself you have taken on that are your masks, which you have had to take on to survive in your culture, family or society. Disentanglement allows you to gradually, gently remove these masks while gradually, gently counterbalancing that removal as the weights and measures tilt toward balance. You understand that Disentanglement allows this process to take place slowly, so that as the mask is gradually removed, the feeling that is generated is one of the emerging natural personality you were born with.

This is directly connected to the essence of your true self, meaning that which bears the marks of your immortal personality. These are the marks by which you might be recognized by someone you never met in a given life because there is a familiarity, a sense of feeling exchanged between you and someone else.

There are also these links for further information on Disentanglement for those of you who would like to pursue that as well as links to videos about Disentanglement from Grandfather:

Disentanglement (written blogs):

Disentanglement (videos):